Why our central London location means we just can't keep our clients cooped up in the classroom...
Before I founded Bond Street Languages, I had tried and tested all sorts of language learning methods. Now I realise that the most valuable lesson in all those years wasn’t about any of the languages, it was about learning itself:
Once you understand how to learn, you can understand how to teach.
"Surely, I thought, if one can learn a first language, one can learn a second, a third, a fourth… The ability is there, within us. We just have to work out how to optimise it."
Ana Herrera, founder of Bond Street Languages, explains how, and why, she teaches.
Why our central London location means we just can't keep our clients cooped up in the classroom...
"A couple of years ago, I decided to get cable tv on the basis that I could improve my languages by watching foreign channels. Instead, I got hooked on 'Seinfeld' and CNN and my German remained as rusty as ever...An intensive language-training course seems the perfect way to bring my German up to blazing conversational level in two days..."
"Perhaps you have been given two weeks' notice that you are relocating to Germany. For you, leisurely conversation classes over the next three months are not an option. Step forward Bond Street Languages, a London language course provider that offers intensive 12-hour sessions of one-to-one tuition..."